Our food pantry provides wholesome foods such as canned vegitables, fruits, sauces and beans, as well as rice, beans and cereal. Meats and chicken when available.
We service families, persons residing in motels and those who may be living outdoors.
Currently we are serving in access of 120 + families each month.
Our pantry hours are Monday and Wednesday 11:00 am to
2:00 pm. Last client 1:45 pm.
Emergency food may be obtained by calling the shelter at 609 914 4270 prior to picking up bags.
Donations from the public are always welcome.
The emergency shelter can house up to 8 single men temporarily, to allow our clients to seek employment, housing, social services so as to better their lives.
When the county declares a state of emergency such as "extreme weather condition" (code blue), the shelter provides bedding space in the dining room and church sanctuary. Many winter days, we allow our clients to remain at the shelter even though "an emergency" has not been called by the county.
Our shelter volunteers provide "take out" meals, without question to the community of Burlington County,on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and
Community meals are served: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. HOT TAKE OUT MEALS WILL BE SERVED.
On Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas the shelter serves holiday meals as well as on Memorial Day and on the Fourth of July we sponsor a BBQ picnic open to the community of Burlington County.
Many local organizations such as Colonial Catering, St. Martin's and St. Andrew's Church, faithfully donate, (for which we are ever grateful), as well as private citizens of the county, which goes a long way helping the shelter provide the meal services we are able to offer.